Category: tech

10 Years of Trial and Error for Samsung mobile phones

With a public fallacy of being the little brother to Apple, Samsung has battled for over a decade to prove its worth in the mobile phone market. While it’s clear to see they’ve got their finger on the pulse when it comes to televisions, whiteware and other appliances, it’s been trial and error when rolling out mobile phones and smart phones.

Although if there’s one thing Samsung wishes to clear up, it’s that it came first in the smart phone race against Apple, not second. (more…)

A General History of Apple Inc

With 500 stores across 21 countries, it’s fair to say Apple Inc, designer and manufacturer of
computer hardware, software and electronics, is one of the leading players in the retail game.
Not only is Apple worth almost $800 billion as of 2017, but it also has over one billion of its products in the hands of loyal customers.

This equates to approximately one Apple product per person in the developed world. So with this staggering success evident, it’s hard to believe Apple Inc. had humble beginnings. It’s even harder to believe Apple Inc. had to work hard to sustain its place in the market.

The beginning

Apple was officially established on April Fool’s Day in 1976, but it was no laughing matter for the
three shareholders and co-founders. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne had worked hard to sell the first Apple I personal computer kit, which was released on April 11, 1976 with a sale price of $666.66. Each sold their own assets to fund the venture, and in the end it would certainly pay off. (more…)

Pinterest New Update – Related Shopping Products?

Pinterest which is considered one of the top social media platforms has been ranked anywhere between number four to number seven where Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat dominated the top five of last year.  Pinterest is more known for its visual appeal where users share their images by pinning also known as sharing, on a specific “board” associated with a category that you decide.  Pinterest started to put more effort in sharing their platform across the web world by providing a new upgrade to users.

This new upgrade provides the individual to hover over an image and the platform to provide a pop up with related searches.  They also provide this new mode for those who use the chrome browser.  This is available as an extension for the browser giving the Web server the same ability as in the Pinterest website.

When the Web surfer hovers over the image with the mouse cursor, a window will show information on products and other photos related to that image.  Sometimes they will even pop up a shopping list where you can purchase the item through the company.  The technology works by looking at the algorithm of the colors, patterns and text to determine how it to the user.  It is quite incredible use of technology in almost can be thought of as a artificial intelligence.  This will evolve into something more amazing.

This is a great tool also for those who do market research as it will bring up potentially new ideas and strategies.  It can also look at the whole HML page and provide the same information instead of hovering just over that one image.

The most popular categories on Pinterest are cooking, fashion and home décor.  The majority of the users are female but there is a growing male user base at the moment with one third of all sign-ups being male.  Over 75% of the platform usage is found on mobile tablets and phones.  This will only increase in the next decade as for most other social media platforms.  Furthermore an interesting note for companies doing research is that 90% of all users who share on Pinterest have shopped online within the past 6 months

Don’t Miss Dec 30th!

Do not miss December 30, 2016 Amazon sale day.  The company is planning to sell a discount products that have not been moved off the shelf for the past couple of years.  The sale before New Year’s has been success in the past and Amazon continues to make the condition happen.

The whole ordeal begins at three in the morning Eastern time in many of the products will be discounted upwards to 50% off.  This includes movies, games, music, apps and e-books.  There has been some ads on the website depicting some games that will go on sale such as Titan fall two and rocket league.  Other items that will go on sale are under the wraps until the day of.

The so-called prime day of December 30 will go on for 24 hours starting at 3 AM Eastern time.  Supposedly Amazon knows the trends of the holiday sales as they know many of the items bought were cell phones, computers and tablets.  Now these individuals with these items are looking to purchase apps and games and so on.  The timing couldn’t be better before the new year as the consumers are full-fledged into their tablets and phones.

Enormous solar project in the Desert of Nevada

A California firm says it will use $1 billion construct the biggest solar farming power plant on earth in the sunbaked Nevada desert located close to Vegas.

The Company’s executives unveiled these plans to build Towers which was dubbed the Sandstorm X Energy.

Business executive Smith mentions the aim will be to generate enough power for around one million houses.

The firm already runs one tower endeavor dubbed “Crescent Dunes” Energy power Plant.

This plant creates 110 mega-watts of full electricity using Mears and it’s the central power for a molten salt plants powering the plant upwards of 1000°F.

The byproduct power is subsequently used to drive electricity turbines.

Solar energy sector to enhance Electricity in East Africa

In other news Akon, the creator of many hit songs of Senegalese dissent, is in the forefront of helping a company supply electricity for upwards to 10 million houses in.


Furthermore the plan is to start more solar power plants in 15 African nations.  They do recognized that there’s a deficiency of qualified labour to be able to perform the work and maintenance to satisfy with international standards.  So what is needed to start the work in these 15, training will be very important in order to jumpstart the projects.

Akon’s association/company provides basic free training for the first year for females and has already been successful.  The students receive basic training and principles on the best way to install accessories, battery and Panels.

Augmented Reality is getting Big? What is it?

Augmented reality is getting to know your surrounding real world through the use of virtual and graphically generated images created by a computer. These live digital generated imageries are merged with the elements of the reality.

Quoted by several scientists about Augmented reality, “This is also, known as the AR technology.”  It took many years for become popular but now it is enjoyed by the. Everyone today is talking about this technology.

There are many software apps that have this technology of augmented reality.  Many of them are used by different instruments or hardware. Every hardware piece has their display technology which they use. One can simply find A.R apps on smartphones like iPhones or any android devices.

Other uses for this technology are applications that work with head mounted display which can be attached to a helmet or so. The third option display is known as a spatial display which projects the digital imagery on many different types of surfaces.

Currently many of the applications used are in the industry of real estate, education, navigation, the military, navigation, media, gaming, advertising, medical, information, and much more. AR technology is growing in many of these fields at a rapids pace.

Several agencies provide augmented reality solutions and create personalised augmented reality apps. If needed, many businesse scan use the free augmented reality apps available or a digital agency that can create an AR technology app just for your business.

There are many such companies that deal with this amazing technology.  Let’s look at VirtualMob.  This company creates different apps for different markets which includes the field of marketing, advertising, entertainment and utility. They help in A.R. face tracking engine and A.R. for 3D mobile. They create straightforward and complex AR technology applications.  Their team is composed of experienced developers who work hard to provide you with the best AR solutions. VirtualMob designs augmented reality apps for both iPhone and Android platforms. You can receive the high quality and satisfied results for augmented reality service from VirtualMob.

AR technology is here to stay as all you need to do is check the number one app on the market today which is Pokémon go. Companies like Apple have embraced and will further enhance AR technology in the future.
Augmented reality technology will be seen more over the years and will be integrated and used more often in our day to day life especially with the advent of Pokémon go.

Pokemon GO app is a remake of the previous version of the game which was just titledPokemon GO (version). This game differs from the earlier version due to the fact new areas could be explored too like the variety of Pokemon GO provided. Men and women who like to play role playing games will take pleasure in this game since it too is a role-playing game. Here are some much more details on the match.

The game is set in a fictional location called Kanto. Kanto is a region where more areas are contained and also connected to it. It is attached to an area referred to as Johto and inside Kanto, the two sectors Saffron City and Pokemon Stadium are located.