Pinterest New Update – Related Shopping Products?

Pinterest which is considered one of the top social media platforms has been ranked anywhere between number four to number seven where Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat dominated the top five of last year.  Pinterest is more known for its visual appeal where users share their images by pinning also known as sharing, on a specific “board” associated with a category that you decide.  Pinterest started to put more effort in sharing their platform across the web world by providing a new upgrade to users.

This new upgrade provides the individual to hover over an image and the platform to provide a pop up with related searches.  They also provide this new mode for those who use the chrome browser.  This is available as an extension for the browser giving the Web server the same ability as in the Pinterest website.

When the Web surfer hovers over the image with the mouse cursor, a window will show information on products and other photos related to that image.  Sometimes they will even pop up a shopping list where you can purchase the item through the company.  The technology works by looking at the algorithm of the colors, patterns and text to determine how it to the user.  It is quite incredible use of technology in almost can be thought of as a artificial intelligence.  This will evolve into something more amazing.

This is a great tool also for those who do market research as it will bring up potentially new ideas and strategies.  It can also look at the whole HML page and provide the same information instead of hovering just over that one image.

The most popular categories on Pinterest are cooking, fashion and home décor.  The majority of the users are female but there is a growing male user base at the moment with one third of all sign-ups being male.  Over 75% of the platform usage is found on mobile tablets and phones.  This will only increase in the next decade as for most other social media platforms.  Furthermore an interesting note for companies doing research is that 90% of all users who share on Pinterest have shopped online within the past 6 months

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